Hey there, mama-to-be!

The big day is just around the corner, and it’s time to pack your hospital bag. You’ve probably heard it a hundred times: preparation is key! But when it comes to childbirth, there’s a lot to think about.

Your hospital bag is like your survival kit, your go-to bundle of comfort, and your reassurance that you have everything you need.

Whether you're a first-time mum or a seasoned pro, having a well-packed bag can make your hospital stay much more comfortable and stress-free.

In this blog, I’ll walk you through everything you might need in your hospital bag, with a little guidance, some practical tips, and a bit of personal advice. Let’s dive in!

1. Essentials for Mama

Comfortable Clothing

The key word here is comfortable. After giving birth, you'll want loose, soft clothing. Consider packing:

  • A comfortable robe: Hospitals can be chilly, and a robe can give you that cosy, at-home feeling.
  • Nursing bras or tanks: If you plan to breastfeed, these are a lifesaver.
  • Loose-fitting pyjamas or nightgowns: Go for something you don’t mind getting messy.
  • A going-home outfit: Choose something that’s comfy and easy to put on. Remember, you’ll still look about six months pregnant, so maternity clothes work well here.


Hospitals provide the basics, but having your own can make you feel much more at ease:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste: Because fresh breath is always nice!
  • Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash: Travel-sized bottles work great.
  • Face wipes or cleanser: A quick freshen-up goes a long way.
  • Lip balm: Hospital air can be dry, so this is a must.
  • Hair ties and a brush: You’ll want your hair out of the way during labour.
  • Deodorant and lotion: Anything to help you feel more like yourself.
  • Makeup essentials: If you’re the type who likes a bit of mascara or concealer, throw those in. No judgment here!

Postpartum Essentials

Your body will be going through a lot of changes, so having the right supplies can make all the difference:

  • Maternity pads: The hospital will provide some, but you may prefer your own brand.
  • Disposable underwear: Not glamorous, but practical.
  • Perineal spray or cooling pads: For soothing any discomfort down there.
  • Nipple cream: If you’re breastfeeding, this can help prevent soreness.

2. Must-Haves for Baby

Baby Clothes

Your little one’s first outfits are special, and you’ll want them to be both cute and practical:

  • Onesies and sleepers: Pack a few in newborn and 0-3 month sizes, just in case.
  • Socks and mittens: Tiny but important! Babies can scratch themselves with those tiny nails.
  • A going-home outfit: Make sure it’s weather-appropriate.

Diapers and Wipes

The hospital will provide these, but having your own can be handy:

  • Newborn diapers: A small pack should suffice.
  • Baby wipes: Gentle ones, suitable for newborns.

Blankets and Swaddles

  • A soft blanket: Great for cuddling and warmth.
  • Swaddle blankets: Swaddling can help calm your baby, so bring a couple of your favourites.

Feeding Supplies

Whether you’re breastfeeding or formula feeding, having these items on hand can be helpful:

  • Bottles and formula: If you’re planning to bottle-feed, pack a few.
  • Nursing pillow: This can make breastfeeding more comfortable, but it’s optional.

3. Important Documents

Being prepared with all the necessary paperwork can save you from stress when you arrive at the hospital:

  • ID and insurance card: These are must-haves.
  • Birth plan: If you have one, bring it along. Share it with your doctor or midwife ahead of time, too.
  • Hospital paperwork: Some hospitals have forms you can fill out in advance.

4. Tech and Entertainment

You might be at the hospital for a while, so having some entertainment options can be a great distraction:

  • Phone and charger: To capture those first precious moments and keep in touch with family.
  • Tablet or e-reader: Great for downtime or if you need a distraction.
  • Headphones: In case you want to listen to music or watch something without disturbing anyone.

5. Snacks and Drinks

Hospital food can be hit or miss, so having your own snacks can be a lifesaver:

  • Healthy snacks: Think granola bars, fruit, nuts, or crackers.
  • Sports drinks or water: Staying hydrated is so important, especially if you’re breastfeeding.
  • Gum or mints: A little freshen-up goes a long way.

6. For Your Partner or Support Person

Your partner will be by your side, and having a few items for them can make the experience more comfortable:

  • Change of clothes: It might be a long stay.
  • Toiletries: Toothbrush, deodorant, and anything else they might need.
  • Pillow and blanket: The hospital can be uncomfortable, so having a few comforts from home can be nice.
  • Snacks and drinks: Partners get hungry too!

7. Miscellaneous Items

Here are a few more things that might come in handy:

  • Your favourite pillow: Hospital pillows can be uncomfortable, so having one from home can make a big difference.
  • A birth ball: If you plan to use one during labour, bring your own.
  • Massage oils or lotion: If you plan to use massage for pain relief during labour.
  • A camera: If you want something more than just your phone for capturing moments.

8. What Not to Bring

It’s just as important to know what to leave at home:

  • Jewellery and valuables: You won’t want to worry about losing these.
  • Too many clothes: Remember, the hospital stay is usually short, so pack light.
  • Cash or credit cards: A little cash is okay, but there’s no need to bring lots of money.

Final Thoughts

Packing your hospital bag is a significant step toward getting ready for your baby’s arrival. It’s one of those tasks that can help you feel more prepared and in control. And while it’s important to be ready, remember that the most crucial thing you’ll bring to the hospital is you! Your baby won’t care about what you’re wearing or whether you have a fancy camera; they’ll care that you’re there, ready to love and care for them.

Keep the bag simple, stick to the essentials, and most importantly, bring along your excitement and anticipation for meeting your little one. Happy packing, and congratulations on this beautiful journey you’re about to embark on!